Saturday, February 14, 2015

How to remove Windows 10 preview build watermark


let me come straight to the point, yeah I hate seeing the build & preview watermark on my windows 10 desktop

I removed in the same way on Windows 8.1

You can download very tiny tool from here / here

Open the tiny exe file as Administrator



will take few seconds to open then just click the “Remove all watermark” and apply new settings

will ask to reboot

just reboot without second thoughts

You will see the magic once you have rebooted.


Enjoy !

Please let me know if you are get in to trouble.

Lollipop for N7000 Note I


I have been testing two lollipop custom roms on my old Note I.

1. NightOwl

2. Resurrection :

both are doing very well.

I would thanks to Bauner & varund7726 for giving the life to our old Note I

both roms are based on CM12

so CM12 bugs will be there until it is fixed from CM

I already posted about the Resurrection Remix rom now I would like to share the Installation details of NightOWL


1. Copy Rom + Google Apps to your device.
2. Boot into recovery
3  Factory Reset (Recommended to avoid any FC or bootloops)
4. Flash the Rom and Gapps.
5. Reboot

this stock kernel supports trim otherwise you can use Raw9



Please revert to me if you need assistance if any .

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

How to add Active directory to vCenter


This tutorial will guide you to join vCenter with AD so that you can login with accounts that are available in AD.

I am using vCenter 5.5 version on my test lab.

I guess you don’t have any difficulties on Simple installation of vCenter Server in windows machine

also I assume that you have checked the option called “windows authentication”  while installing vCenter server.

make sure vsphere web client is working on the local machine(vCenter Server installed machine) by opening the below url


if you are able to see the below screen then you are good to proceed.



use default user name to manage the vCenter

User Name : administrator@vsphere.local

password : the one you given at the time of vCenter installation.

Step 1: go to Administration


Step 2 :  Configuration –> Identity Sources—> click the green Plus symbol


Step 3 :  then choose “Active Directory(Integrated Windows Authentication) click Ok.

Note : now you just enable the AD authentication. you have to add the AD Groups in next steps.


Step 4 : Click the vCenter from left pane again you have to click the another vCenter tab which will come after that now you will see number of vCenter servers that are available in your network.

select the vCenter name –> manage –> permissions –> Green plus symbol to add the users from AD.


Step 5 : choose the type role that you want under the “ Assigned Role “ then “Add” left side of the same window

now you will see the other window which shows your Domain name and groups / users which are available in AD.

choose the Group / User that you want to give the permission.


Now you are done.

Just logout then try with your AD User name with password.

any issues ? email me.

Monday, February 2, 2015

Fix – VMware workstation 10 on win 8.1 for “not enough physical memory”



If you are getting “not enough physical memory” error like the below screenshot when you start the virtual machine ? well here is the simple fix which is recommended by vmware.




Go to Control Panel –> Program and features—> Uninstall Program –> View Installed Updates (right panel)

--> sear for this update “KB2995388”  and remove it .

Restart is optional


thats all.   Now you can simply start the virtual machine with no problems.