Wednesday, April 10, 2013

SuperNexus ROM for Galaxy Note GT-N7000! [Android 4.2.2]


If you want to run totally “pure” Android 4.2.2 on your rooted Galaxy Note GT-N7000 without all the additional customization/tweaking other AOSP (What is AOSP?) ROMs offer, definitely check out SuperNexus ROM, which is exactly that.

SuperNexus ROM will give you a stock-like Android experience when you buy a Nexus device like the Nexus 4. Yes, essentially this ROM turns your Note into a Nexus 4 with a bigger screen.

Also, battery life is very good with the SuperNexus ROM over other Android 4.2.2 custom ROMs as there’s less things that can go wrong.

If you are just starting out with custom ROMs or you want to experience what pure Android stock ROM is like, definitely give SuperNexus ROM a try this week(end) and do let me know what you think!


Download SuperNexus ROM

Download Gapps

To avoid bricking on the GT-N7000, please follow the fail-proof/brick-proof to install ROM!!!

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Credits – XDA <— Please donate to the developer of this ROM if you like it, thanks!

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