Monday, March 9, 2015

How to fix 99% Disk usage on Windows 8 / 8.1 / 10


Did you ever notice that your Windows 8 laptop / machines will start to eat your disk with 99% usage as soon as you login ?

well, when I installed windows 8 for the first time on my laptop I started to dig about the features and excited to make use of it after few months ago I realized that some kind of laggings at the time when i sign in to my laptop but after couple of mins i could feel the speed.

I could not control myself , so started to troubleshooting, task manager shows that my disk utilization nearly 99% while I am watching it came back to around 28% in couple of mins

I faced the same problem on Win 8 , 8.1 and 10 preview build too. blaming 10 it is not worthy as it is still in building stage.



before I try few things I decided to go to Microsoft but unfortunately there was no response on the forum.

Google took me to the many forums that talks about the same issue and endup with disabling services.

Yes I just disabled superfetch service and disabled the auto page file.

What is Superfetch ?

SuperFetch is a technology in Windows operating systems that automatically preloads commonly used application into the computer memory which in return greatly reduces their loading times. The purpose of SuperFetch is to increase the performance of the PC during regular tasks performed by the user.

How to disable this ?

goto RUN and type “services.msc” –> scroll down to “superfetch” –> properties –> disabled –> stop—>apply—> Ok

WIndows 8 Services Superfetch

How to stop Auto Paging file ?

Open Computer –> Properties –> Advanced System Settings –>Advanced—> Settings on Performance section


again Advanced on the new window –> Change

Uncheck the “Automatically manage paging file size for all drivers”.

Click “SET” then Ok for all rest of the windows / wizards.  reboot at last.


Now my windows 8 /8.1 /10  running better than before.

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