Tuesday, August 13, 2013

How to Install VMware GemFire 7 in Windows

First of all I would like to appreciate people those who are reading my posts and giving feedbacks.
I decided to write this post as my friends(readers) requested me to write a post for installation of VMware GemFire 7 in Windows.
Here I am using my personal windows7 machine.
I assume that you have already installed JDK 1.6 or above in your machine.
Step 1.
I have downloaded the VMware GemFire 7 Evaluation from VMware site
Step 2.
Extracted the downloaded package to “C:\vmware\gemfire7 “
Step 3.
open command prompt  and execute the below commands one at a time as you are seeing in the below image.gfsh
1. set GEMFIRE=C:\vmware\gemfire7  (Note : path should be your extracted folder )
2. set JAVA_HOME=C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_40  (Note : Java installed path)
3. set GF_JAVA=%JAVA_HOME%\bin\java.exe
4. set PATH=%PATH%;%JAVA_HOME%\bin;%GEMFIRE%\bin

Note: You only need to add commons-logging.jar, tomcat-embed-core.jar, tomcat-embedlogging-juli.jar, and tomcat-embed-jasper.jar     files to your CLASSPATH
if you are planning on using the GemFire member as a GemFire Pulse application server.
You have successfully installed.

Now you can go to your <gemfire product folder> to run the gfsh commands to manage GemFire.


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