Thursday, January 10, 2013

Indian Railway Reservation System Descriptions for Symbols

CAN / MODCancelled or Modified Passenger
CNF / ConfirmedConfirmed (Coach/Berth number will be available after chart preparation)
RACReservation Against Cancellation
Seat is guaranteed but berth needs to be shared between two persons. Individual berths will be allotted only if RAC becomes a CNF ticket.
WL #Waiting List Number
CKTatkal Quota
CKWLTatkal Waiting List
CKWL means when the waiting list moves up you can expect confirmed berth. But when the normal waiting list moves up, it goes to the  RAC category.
GNWLGeneral Wait List
PQWLPooled Quota Wait List
REGRET/WLNo More Booking Permitted
RELEASEDTicket Not Cancelled but Alternative Accommodation Provided
R# #RAC Coach Number Berth Number
Same berth will be alloted to two RAC passengers and they need to share it.

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